You can see February’s TBR post and goals here! Next week I will share my recap of February’s books in SUYB link up.
Spring Break is this month and for me that means 2 super long flights with layovers so that equals so much reading. Aside from whatever comes in from the library and whatever piques my interest here are the books I’ve chosen for my March TBR!
The challenge for March is to read the book that has been on your shelf the longest. After the great breakup of 2014 I got rid of over 200 books because I had no where to put them when I moved. Since then I have been pretty careful about buying physical books meaning there are not many unread physical books on my shelves. That left me to search my kindle with its 1k+ books and the oldest one I have downloaded is The Bookseller by Cynthia Swanson.
Girly Book Club & Non-Fiction
My goals for the year include reading books I didn’t choose for myself and 1 non-fiction book a month. For March, the Girly Book Club pick covers both of those categories! That book is A River in Darkness by Masaji Ishikawa. I don’t know how I feel about this book but as the host of the group Ill have to read it in order to be able to lead the discussion. Also, last month’s book surprised me so I am trying not to be judgy!
For TV
I am dying to watch the show Sharp Objects so I am going to read the book first! I found it for incredibly cheap at Half Price Books this past weekend!
Obscene Library holds
With all of my library cards (I have many to get all the books) I am no less than #400 in line to get The Wicked King and that is just ridiculous. Thanks to Barnes & Noble #Bookhaul sale I got the book for 50% off and I can finally read it!!