– Hate on the newest fashion “must have”. For example, right now it is Blanket scarves – I hate them. Not going to lie. Too big and unless you weigh next to nothing they just add to the winter bulk that is not cute as it is.
– Hate on fancy planners. – I want one badly. So for now…I hate on them.
– Bitch about “Big” bloggers and all the things they are doing wrong and ways they are trying to tell you “Blog do’s & don’ts” on your blog. – I am always doing it all wrong so it just makes me laugh
– Complain in a post about anyone who suddenly tries to make any money off their blog…i.e. they are selling out, i’m sick of seeing ads, they have all these sponsored posts. – ummm if I can make some money you bet your ass I will.
– Link up without actually posting about the topic. – no gracias. I looked at your page to see a post regarding the link up not to see 100 photos of you in an outfit
– Be a no-reply commenter – I just feel bad I can’t reply back man!
– If you want to piss off mommy bloggers- Talk about children without having any – this is my fave. People get so angry when you talk about kids and don’t have any. Apparently working with children for longer than they have had them isn’t enough to know a damn thing.
– Show off all the wonderful, beautiful, fantastic things in your perfectly lit, posed and decorated life. – this always pisses people off on any social media