Stolen from Stephanie @ Not Entirely Perfect because I love her Thursday posts!
Lush – Mask of Magnaminty…really most of their masks but this one in particular is my favorite. I am learning to curb my Lush obsession because that shit is pricey but I love the smell of this one, its always nice and cool on the skin and it leaves your skin feeling tingly & clean!
Kindle Fire HD…It is such a hot topic to discuss kindles with avid readers. It’s like there is some offense to use one but you know what? I am a book hoarder. It is the one thing that I collect and have very little self control over and so the kindle is my lifesaver. At this moment I have 854 books on my kindle. I do still love a real book, nothing compares, and if I find a book I loved on the kindle I will buy the paper copy. BUT convenience and being able to hide my hoarding problems make it a winner.
Timbuk2…more specifically the Classic Messenger Bag. I have had this bag for 7 years now, it has been through 13 countries, plane, train, auto, boat…you name it we have done it and while its a little beat up it is still my favorite and most sturdy bag. It is waterproof, comes with a strap that i can attach around to hold the bag in place and again…waterproof! Anyway, I am a fan.
What are some of your favorite things? Any recommendations?