Well Hello there!
I was completely uninspired last week and rather than post a bunch of link-ups I thought I would give myself a bi-week. I am doing much better this week…I think…it is only Monday so this could change.
Have you felt uninspired to blog at all? What are some tips or ways you got through it??
I thought I would share some photos from my iphone to give you an idea of my life lately.…
I was dying for some good Thai food so The Boy and I set out to make me some Panag chicken & we did not disappoint |
Then I caught a nasty cold….some Pho because who doesn’t love it when they are sick! |
I joined a secret santa gift exchange on a blog I follow Fat Mum Slim I think I mentioned it before…but after stalking my partners FB postings in the group and asking questions on Elfster I finally got some of her gifts and I am soooo excited to send them! They are going to Australia so I am going to put them in the post hopefully by the end of the week. Just waiting for one more thing!
Isn't the chicken coop the most hilarious thing you've ever seen?! Were the turkeys in there when you went?