How is September already? How quickly time flies right?
On to the fun parts…
Wishing…that we could go back to 80+ degree days and everyone would slow down talking about Pumpkin Spice everything. I’m NOT READY.
How is September already? How quickly time flies right?
On to the fun parts…
Wishing…that we could go back to 80+ degree days and everyone would slow down talking about Pumpkin Spice everything. I’m NOT READY.
I’m back! Woooo! I survived the semester from hell and at my sisters request getting my behind back in the blogging world.(she’s pregnant can’t deny her anything) So to do a little catch up we will start with a Currently post. Also…please excuse the serious amount responses to older posts.
Reading: So I am on book #15 of the Anita Blake Series I’ve told you guys about. I didn’t make it this far the last time I read the series so this book is actually new. I am also reading “Raising Boys with ADHD” with my sister. Just started that one last night.
This past weekend was beautiful in Chicago…of course by beautiful I mean it was finally about 50 outside. I wish I could say I did something exciting but really I had a ton of studying & laundry to do. I did manage to make it outside as much as I could though.